For printed circuit board (PCB) design, sometimes it is easier to obtain alternatives than the traditional through-hole (TH) technique. Surface mount technology (SMT) is a primary factor when it comes to size, weight and automation as they can create PCBs more quickly without sacrificing any dependability or quality.
Thanks to surface mount technology, electronics are now being used for purposes for which they were not previously considered viable. Surface mount devices (SMDs) are used in SMT assembly in place of their bulker, heavier and more complicated TH circuit board equivalents.
So, what should you know about surface mount technology? Find out here at
M-TEK Assembly.
Direct placement and soldering of the components to the PCB is accomplished using the assembly and part packaging process known as SMT. The efficiency of manufacturing is improved by this technique. Using automated techniques, the technology also enables the construction of extremely complicated electronic circuits in smaller assemblies.
High levels of circuit dependability and board space utilisation are provided by SMT assembly. All electrical circuits are built on PCBs, which can be manufactured in rigid, flexible, or stiff-flex shapes depending on the design. Find out more about surface mount technology here on our previous blog.
The methods vary depending on the assembling and soldering methods. Traditionally, wave soldering equipment or hand soldering is used to complete PTH (plated through-hole) assembly. In this instance, the PCB has mounting holes drilled into it, and solder is then wicked up into the holes to finish the circuit connections.
Components can be connected to connection pads that are incorporated into the surface of the PCB thanks to SMT technology. Screen printing flux-based solder pastes onto these pads, followed by heating and cooling the assembly in a reflow oven, creates the solder joints that complete the circuit's connections. SMT uses single-sided, double-sided, and mixed technology techniques that let PTH and SMT coexist on the same board.
When it comes to SMT assembly, there are various benefits that help save time and money during production. As the components are smaller, this allows more to fit on the printed circuit board. Component placement on both sides is possible because they are attached directly to the board, maximising component utilisation and PCB utilisation. SMT is generally less expensive than through-hole because of its smaller components, with identical pieces costing less for SMT.
Smaller components may seem more prone to placement errors, yet mistakes are easily corrected since molten solder pulls itself to align with solder pads. This is better than more involved procedures for fixing problems.
Other SMT benefits include:
Greater fabrication advantages are possible by developing a highly automated method for SMT construction. For many businesses that create SMT printed circuit boards, the necessary production equipment may be prohibitively expensive.
That's why major businesses and varying industries should consider M-Tek Assembly for all their SMT and PCB purposes. Our specialised resources ensure efficient and effective printed circuit board production.
At M-Tek, our team creates and manufactures printed circuit boards throughout the UK. We incorporate the latest techniques within the electronic manufacturing process, including SMT.
Fill in our online form here for more information on surface mount technology. Or, call us on 01189 455377 and speak to one of our SMT specialists today.
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